Tailoring workshop 2023 begins..

Tailoring workshop 2023 begins..

Since this week we are training 8 orphans in tailoring. It is sponsored by EBG. It will go on for the next 4 months and we aim to maintain 2-4 girls/women to keep running the tailoring workshop making clothes/school uniforms for sale in order to get income for the...
Cultural Exchange at Ruyonza School

Cultural Exchange at Ruyonza School

In the first week of August, we visited with our German volunteer the Ruyonza Secondary School. Our volunteer exchanged with students in S1-S3 knowledge about the school system in Germany as also about the importance of international exchange partners. Also, we shared...
our youth group participating in football tournament

our youth group participating in football tournament

Our youth group participated on July 22nd on a tournament at Nyamiko Playground. Our team managed to reach the finals but unfortunately their last game. Therefore, in the end they finished second. We were really happy to participate for the first time such a...
Eyeglasses without borders

Eyeglasses without borders

Thanks to the good work of “Eyeglasses without Borders”, “Optician Center Kyamulibwa”  and the “Development Service of German Opticians”, an “Eye Service Point” was established in cooperation with the church district of...
New set up of herbal medicine laboratory

New set up of herbal medicine laboratory

In early March we finished our new laboratory at the herbal medicine clinic. There you can also find urban tools like an hot air oven and water bath. Now not only our healer can do better research, but also extern students can also come and make their research at...