Solar shop in Ishaka owned by previous students of the program

In the year 2012 Rukararwe started a Renewable Energy Technology Centre (RETEC) program targeting 30-40 local unemployed young women and men per program in Bushenyi District. This project has taken place every two years so that by now it has supported 120 youngsters in total. The last time was from September to December 2018.

The project has two main objectives:

To transfer manufacture and installation skills of various Renewable Energy (RE) technologies to local young women and men who will then extend their services to the general population while earning an income.

To increase access to sustainable alternative energy and to create skills-based employable and renewable energy business-minded youth.

RETEC program impacts youth with both theory and emphasise practical based teaching on real renewable technology installations, manufacture, construction and invention of renewable energy products such as:

  • Solar-energy
  • Energy-saving cooking stoves
  • Earth-brick-technology

Through those topics, the Youth also gains knowledge about nature conservation and protection.

30-40 young women and men got the opportunity to study renewable energy technologies in Rukararwe for three months. They get a certificate from the Ministry of Education and Sports after passing a final exam so that these three months act as a small but complete job education in which they are gaining what is needed to find work in their sector.

Success stories:

  • 2016 there was not even one failure
  • Three students of the RETEC program successfully opened a solar shop in Ishaka
  • Students have managed to generate an additional income by installing solar panels
  • Students constructed energy-saving stoves for families in the surrounding communities 
  • Students broadened their minds in sustainability and environmental conservations and shared their knowledge with family members and friends
  • Building students constructed a new kitchen made from unburned earth bricks at Rukararwe grounds